• We recognize that clean water, air, and healthy ecosystems sustain our survival, and are basic rights for all living things.
  • We affirm that people exist within ecosystems, and sustainable practices must support healthy ecosystems.
  • We believe that people and communities should be the basis for just and sustainable solutions.
  • We affirm the right of all people to have an equal voice in decisions that affect collective resources, including the Earth’s climate. We afford special priority to the voices of those who have been systematically excluded from decision making.
  • We recognize that climate change, resource extraction, toxic harms, industrial pollution, and unsustainable development all threaten major damage to communities and ecosystems; and all have their root cause in the current exploitative, undemocratic system of global capitalism.
  • We work to build recognition of the connections between these issues, and solidarity among movements for sustainable solutions.
  • We reject false solutions which do not solve or only partially solve these problems, or which perpetuate environmental injustice, such as: carbon (cap and trade) markets, clean coal, unsustainable industrial biofuels, and nuclear power.
  • We affirm that access to livelihood is a basic right, and we seek just transitions from harmful to sustainable industries, that include workers’ voices and account for livelihood for both workers and those who depend upon affected natural resources (including the Earth’s climate).
  • We affirm the need to re-imagine/restore public policy, economic practices, and community activities to clean up and rebuild our cities and rural areas in balance with nature, honoring the cultural integrity of all our communities, and providing fair access for all to the full range of resources.